
Wednesday, December 27, 2023

Space Tourism: The Latest and Upcoming Adventures in the Final Frontier

Have you ever dreamed of going to space? If so, you are not alone. Many people share the same aspiration, and some of them are willing to pay a hefty price to make it a reality. Space tourism is an emerging industry that aims to offer people the opportunity to experience the wonders of outer space. In this post, we will explore some of the latest and upcoming space tourism services that are available or planned for the near future.

Space tourist 2024

The Latest Space Tourists: Yusaku Maezawa and Yozo Hirano

The most recent space tourists to visit the International Space Station (ISS) were Yusaku Maezawa and Yozo Hirano, two Japanese businessmen who flew on the Soyuz MS-20 mission. The mission launched on December 8, 2021 and returned on December 19, 2021. Maezawa and Hirano were accompanied by a professional cosmonaut, Alexander Misurkin, who served as the commander of the spacecraft.

Maezawa is a billionaire entrepreneur and art collector, who is also the founder of Zozo, an online fashion retailer. He is known for his eccentric and philanthropic projects, such as buying a painting by Jean-Michel Basquiat for $110.5 million, and announcing a global contest to find a girlfriend to accompany him on a trip around the Moon. Hirano is a former engineer and the production director of Maezawa's company. He was selected by Maezawa to join him on the space trip as a cameraman and a friend.

The two space tourists paid an estimated $55 million each for their seats on the Soyuz spacecraft, which is the standard price for commercial flights to the ISS. They spent about 12 days in orbit, during which they participated in various activities, such as conducting experiments, enjoying the views of the Earth, and interacting with the other crew members of the ISS. They also shared their experiences on social media, posting photos and videos of their space adventure.

Space tourism 2024

The Upcoming Space Tourists: The Italian Air Force

The next space tourists to fly to space are expected to be four members of the Italian Air Force, who will board the Virgin Galactic's spaceplane in late June 2023. The flight will be the first commercial one for the company, which has been developing and testing its suborbital space tourism service for over a decade.

Virgin Galactic's spaceplane, called VSS Unity, is designed to take six passengers and two pilots on a suborbital flight, meaning it will not reach the orbit of the Earth, but will still offer a few minutes of weightlessness and a view of the curvature of the planet. The spaceplane is launched from a carrier aircraft, called VMS Eve, which takes off from a runway and climbs to an altitude of about 15 km. The spaceplane then detaches from the carrier aircraft and fires its rocket engine, propelling it to an altitude of about 100 km, where the passengers can unstrap and float around the cabin. The spaceplane then glides back to Earth and lands like a normal airplane.

The four members of the Italian Air Force are part of a research project called VITA (Virgin Galactic Italian Air Force), which aims to study the effects of microgravity on the human body and mind. The project is also a tribute to the 60th anniversary of the first human spaceflight by Yuri Gagarin in 1961. The flight will be led by Colonel Walter Villadei, who will be the first Italian to fly on a commercial spacecraft. The other three members are Major Stefano Sartori, Captain Marco Gagna, and Captain Alessandro Palumbo.

The cost of a ticket for a Virgin Galactic flight is currently $450,000, which is a significant increase from the original price of $200,000. The company has already sold about 600 tickets to prospective space tourists, including celebrities such as Leonardo DiCaprio, Tom Hanks, and Justin Bieber. The company plans to start offering commercial flights to the public in 2024, after completing the test flights and obtaining the necessary certifications.

Space tourist 2024

The Future Space Tourists: You?

Space tourism is not only for the rich and famous. There are many companies that are working on developing and offering space tourism services in the near future, such as:

- Space Perspective: This company will use a high-altitude balloon to lift a pressurized capsule with eight passengers and a pilot to the stratosphere, about 30 km above the Earth. The passengers will enjoy a six-hour flight with views of the planet and the blackness of space. The cost of a ticket is $125,000.

- SpaceX: This company will use a reusable rocket and capsule to launch paying customers to the orbit of the Earth, the Moon, or even Mars. The passengers will experience several days of weightlessness and see the Earth and other celestial bodies from space. The company has already signed contracts with several private individuals and organizations for future flights, such as Yusaku Maezawa, who plans to fly around the Moon with eight artists in 2024.

- Orion Span: This company will build and operate a luxury space hotel called Aurora Station, which will orbit the Earth at an altitude of 320 km. The guests will stay for 12 days and enjoy activities such as growing food, conducting experiments, and watching movies in zero gravity. The cost of a stay is $9.5 million.

These are just some examples of the space tourism companies that are aiming to make space travel more accessible and affordable for everyone. Would you like to go to space someday? If so, you might want to start saving up and booking your tickets now, because space tourism is becoming a reality sooner than you think.

Future of space tourist is in 2024

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